Sky Air Dragon Pearls – Type D


Availability: In stock

SKU: IND 23-24 Category:
Sky Air Dragon Pearls
Type D

Opaque Black, Mango Shaped With Amazing

The Majestic Dragon Totem possesses the following
magical prowess, vitality, mastery, insight, divine illumination,
protection from outside evil forces from all directions, grounded
energy, fulfillment of potential, inspiration, longevity, personal
happiness, greatly increased riches, infinite wisdom, luminous
beauty, majesty, indomitable spirit and strength, invisibility,
power of transformation and metaphysical knowledge, powerful in
warding off negative psychic attacks/energies/spirits/forces,
psychic/magical abilities,
contact with draconian
intelligences and forces
, magical
knowledge, authority presence, healing

The Dragon Totem
Dragon has so much mystique, lore and legend surrounding it, that
it is impossible to describe them all them all with any
brevity. This mighty and noble creature has been the
inspiration of an immeasurable quantity of books, poems, songs,
artwork, paintings and movies. Man has never lost his interest
in Dragon mythology and lore. In fact, rather than interest in
this creature slowing down over thousands of years, it has only
increased. The likeness of the Dragon can be found in a varied
and innumerable selection of art, jewelry, statues and clothing.
 Few are immune to the mystery and lure of the elusive and
majestic Dragon. Many cultures and tribes recognize the Dragon as
the magical and majestic creature it is and either honor and
respect it or fear and evade it. One thing is for certain the
Dragon is one of the most fascinating and mysterious of all the
Totems, as well as one of the most magically powerful.
Dragon is has many names and aspects; countless colors,
characteristics and personalities. Some have wings, can fly,
and breathe fire; these prefer to live on the land, in large caves
or caverns. Others, usually of Eastern origin, have gills,
dwell in the sea and are said to be able to transport themselves to
heaven and back at will. Following are some characteristics
and virtues of the elemental Dragons: The Fire Dragon which
represents leadership, inner fire, vitality and mastery. The
Air Dragon which represents inspiration, vitality, intellect,
respect, insight and illumination. The Water Dragon who’s
virtues include, passion, depth, courage, ability to face the past
without fear, and compassion, and the Earth Dragon which gives the
power of realizing potential, acquiring riches, and grounding ones
energy in order to harness it.
Dragons offer
strong protection from evil, from all directions, North, South,
East, West, Above, and Below. They have always been associated
with metaphysics and alchemy.  Magic, mystery and majesty
are only a few of the Totem virtues of the mighty Dragon. All
continents of the world have their own legends, myths and beliefs
about the Dragon; however, they originated in the East, in China
and Japan, and are still honored in those regions to this
day. Some of the many cultures and countries that have a deep
historical connection with the Dragon are the Chinese, Japanese,
The Celts, American Indians, and Europeans.
Buddhist legend
tells that Apalala a Water Dragon was converted to Buddhism by the
Buddha himself. In Sanskrit the word Naga means Dragon or
Serpent. The Oxford Dictionary defines the “Dragon Stone”
as a stone taken from the brain of the Dragon; this stone contains
a historical collection of Dragon lore and legend.
Dragon possesses many animal virtues that are powerful and valuable
and which any person would be wise to emulate or divine. One
who has the power of the Dragon will see enhanced business success,
personal happiness, long-life, and the ability to protect oneself
from evil.
Majestic Dragon Totem possesses the following virtues:
magical prowess, vitality, mastery, insight, divine illumination,
protection from outside evil forces from all directions, grounded
energy, fulfillment of potential, inspiration, longevity, personal
happiness, greatly increased riches, infinite wisdom, luminous
beauty, majesty, indomitable spirit and strength, invisibility,
power of transformation and metaphysical knowledge.
Dragon Pearls
and Stones are said to impart their particular magical virtues to
their owner. Dragon Pearls are characteristic of its host; they
possess all the magnificent characteristics that may be seen in the
Dragon itself; the magical and supernatural perspective of the
Dragon is contained within the pearl waiting for a suitable owner
to bestow its inner magic to. One who possesses a Dragon Pearl
or Stone is indeed a unique and fortunate
century’s shamans, priestesses, wizards, witches, spiritualists
and practitioners of the occult have used Dragon Pearls and Stones
to transfer the powerful magical energy of the Dragon to themselves
and to others in need of this superior magic. Dragon pearls
are highly sought after by any wishing to absorb Dragon virtues
into their lives and develop stronger mental abilities such as
those embodied by this Mystical and Magical Creature. The
owner of a Dragon pearl will see their lives, spiritual energy and
mental clarity imbued with all of the virtues attributed to the
Dragon. The Dragon totem is a powerful spirit and its
supernatural properties are the most influential of all
totems. Creation and magic, treasures from within and without,
and so much more can be integrated into the spirit of the possessor
of this magnificent Pearl and the Dragon totem
Weight 1.0000 kg


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