Dewa Human Pearl – Type I1


Dewa Human Pearl are highly sought after by those wishing to develop their psychic abilities further and to increase their chakra energy levels to a more advance state.

1 in stock

SKU: IND 30-20 Category: Tag:


Only two available of these type

These are commonly known as ‘Dewa’ or ‘Deva’ pearls originating from the highly renowned and enlightened holy monks or spiritual beings. ‘Dewa’ or ‘Deva’ meaning god-like or a highly spiritual being/soul.

These pearls are also referred to as ‘Sarira’, a Sanskrit term meaning body waste or decay, reiterating that these pearls are those found after cremation of the human spiritual being. The spiritual energy and god-like status which was developed by these human beings has been captured in these pearls.

These pearls are formed from their chakras energies which after cremation of the holy body of the enlightened being manifested into a crystallised form to represent its high frequency. The elementals which reside in these pearls are also of high status to match that high frequency of their origin.

They are known as ‘akash’ meaning ‘sky’ spirits as they have a very high spiritual status. These are therefore highly sought after by those wishing to develop their psychic abilities further and to increase their chakra energy levels to a more advance state.