By : Manizone Admin  July 29, 2024


All across the ages, our greatest myths, legends and other lore have always set aside a space that focused on magickal pearls, talismans, amulets and power charms. It should come as no wonder that several of these stories are actually referring to mustika pearls or bezoar stones.

When you scratch beneath the surface of these myths, you’ll find that many of these amulets and charms derived their power and influence from the magickal stones or pearls housed within them, being channelled to their bearer.

At Mani Zone, we wholeheartedly believe that these “myths” and “legends” are in all reality true, factual accounts relating to mustika pearls and bezoar stones of the same calibre as those offered through our establishment.

More than that, though, we believe that using and benefiting from stones and pearls shouldn’t be restricted to the characters and pages of scriptures or historical texts, merely to be read about.

They aren’t fictional artefacts, limited to a purely literary or symbolic impact. Our pearls and stones aren’t cold, inanimate objects, but warm, dynamic treasures imbued with power and life. They should be used and applied – readily available for the benefit of humanity – one and all.

Across the centuries, wars, divisions, migration and cataclysms isolated those skilled in the art of locating and utilizing them to the point that their knowledge was obscured and evaded the reach of popular opinion. Because of this, most spiritualists had to resort to using crystals and gemstones as substitutes.

At Mani Zone, we’re committed to offering nothing but the very best. To this end, we’ve diligently sought out only genuine suppliers, qualified to deliver the wonderful pearls that you’re searching for. After all, no matter our caste, colour or creed, when it comes down to it, we’re all pursuing the same desire – finding success along our spiritual paths.

Throughout history, mustika pearls have been listed as prized possessions amongst kings, wizards, royalty, spiritualists, shamans and natural healers. Collectors have been stockpiling these rare and sacred mustika pearls and bezoar stones for centuries, jealously guarding their powerful, magickal properties.

Once upon a time, only kings, royalty and court scholars were lucky enough to wield the power of these sacred stones. By applying them not only to the “big things” but to their mundane, day-to-day lives, these privileged few could gain authority and the magickal presence necessary to create and manipulate their reality until their dreams – quite literally – came true.

Fortunately, mustika pearls and bezoar stones are no longer reserved for the royal and elite. Thanks to the dawning of the Information Age, there powerful treasures are within the reach of any and all!

4.2 Documentation of magickal charms

The earliest (and also one of the most common) historical reference to bezoars and mustika pearls can be found in the Ancient Holy Hindu text, Garuda Purana.

The text cites several sacred, natural gemstones, referred to as the Vedic pearls. In context, these are believed to be bezoars or mustika pearls. There are a total of nine traditional Vedic pearls:

• The conch pearl
• The cobra pearl
• The boar pearl
• The elephant pearl
• The bamboo pearl
• The whale pearl
• The fish pearl, and
• The cloud pearl

Each of these pearls has a unique formation process. Bamboo pearls form and are harvested from bamboo stems. Others, however, have more elusive origins – some literally forming out of thin air right before the eyes of skilled shamans.

These same sacred gems are later referenced in a treatise known as the Brihat Samhita (The Great Compilation), the work of an Indian mathematician by the name of Varahamihira. Through this work, the stones became more commonly known as “The Nine Pearls”, “Nava Moti” or “Nine Mani” (or “nine gems.”)

The Western World didn’t make any documentation of mustika pearls or bezoar stones until the 18th century. The author was scientist Albertus Seba, and his work was titled: Cabinet of Natural Curiosities. This text included a unit dedicated to various types of bezoar stones that were uncovered, complete with hand-drawn sketches that compiled the first Western record of these mystical formations.


More recently, bezoars and mustikas are popping up in blockbuster films, best selling books and television dramas. Three of the world famous Harry Potter books introduced young readers to bezoars and their antidote properties. Grey’s Anatomy, a popular US medical drama also discussed the formation of bezoar stones in humans.

It is our goal that more people, educators and entertainers will be enlightened by (and interested in) the magickal and mysterious properties of these supernatural stones.