Referenced Essay On Mustika Pearls & Bezoar Stones (Page 1)

By : Manizone Admin  July 27, 2024



Version 1 Page 1



1.1 – About Us.

Mani Zone mustika pearl is based in the U.K. as a registered business. Its administration have been studying and practicing metaphysics and the occult for many years. Initial business started by providing these mustika pearls and bezoar stones to spiritualists, occultists and shamans. However, over the years, the news of the quality of our items has spread and their mystical properties made them appeal to lay persons, collectors and anyone wishing to boost and develop their spiritual self. The business has grown and expanded to sell to all individuals worldwide, wishing to enhance their metaphysical knowledge and energy with high quality stones and pearls.

1.2 – Our Aim.

Mustika pearls and bezoar stones are rare and scarce; they are difficult to obtain and it takes highly experienced and knowledgeable shamans to find these sacred magickal pearls. Mani Zone are continually researching into mustika pearls and bezoar stones, focusing and attempting to learn and explore more about them and the natural events which lead to their formation in the bodies of animals and plants.

New technology is being used in order to record the sound waves the magickal pearls emanate and their Auric Energy signature using Kirlian Photograph Technology; in metaphysical contexts, Kirlian showed proof of supernatural auras, through taking photographic images of objects, which resembled a rough outline of the object like a colourful halo. Other very sensitive vibration detection tools are being used in order to sense higher energy fields, which are not found in gemstones, crystals or other normal stones.

We are also focusing on writing up more articles on mustika pearls/bezoar stones, magickal values and their uses in magickal rituals. It is Mani Zone’s aim and mission to educate the public, on the creation of mustika pearls and to educate them on how to use the mustika pearls for spiritual advancement. We realise magickal properties of the mustika pearls carry more quintessence which is the key to make the positive difference in ones spiritual life.


2.1 – Terminology Use.

A Bezoar or enterolith is a sort of calculus or concretion, a stone found amongst or within the digestive tract of animals. By ‘enterolith’, we mean a “hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body”.[i] These bezoar stones represent the powerful, medicinal, magickal and unusual characteristics.

These stones have developed as a result of the animal digesting an indigestible substance which subsequently hardens and forms into a ‘wildlife by-product’ in the abdominal tract. [ii] These stones are not present in all animals and are very rarely available, it is through sheer experience that enables shamans or spiritualists to derive these through rituals and meditational techniques using knowledge and ancient-old skills handed down from their ancestors. The term ‘Bezoar’ is derived from the Persian word ‘padzahr’, meaning ‘protection from poison’, and as a result bezoars were sought after as they were believed to be a universal antidote against any poison. [iii]

However, not all pearls are found within the body of an animal, there are pearls we offer which possess bezoartic virtues, being able to possess the qualities of an antidote, precious to assist in natural healing which are formed in plants. We refer to these pearls as ‘Mustika Pearls’, their formation is not restricted to the abdominal tract of an animal and can be found almost anywhere in the animal’s body.

These pearls are also found within the structure of plants, flowers and nature itself. It is difficult to pin-point the exact location of the formation of the pearls found in plants and flowers, such as dew pearls and sea pearls. They are referred to as Mustika Pearls in the same context as you and I would refer to the ‘pearls’ from mollusks. These ‘pearls’ are not those which are found in marine/freshwater mollusks. In general (or traditional) terms, in the Western World, pearls from mollusks are referred to as ‘pearls’, it is not mentioned or progressed to specify ‘oyster pearls’ or ‘pearls from mollusks’; as a generalization the term ‘Pearls’ is familiar to all.

Therefore, to be in keeping with the tradition of Indonesia, (the origin of these pearls), the same terminology is used as that of the locals to describe this particular formation of minerals. The locals widely use the term ‘Mustika Pearls’, ‘Mustika’ or ‘Mestika’ meaning ‘a precious stone’ and it is in reference to this that this term is also used on our site. We do not change what we refer to them as, as we believe it to be unethical to vary and use non traditional terms, so we refrain from doing so.

Therefore both terms, Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones are used to define these magickal pearls interchangeably as their physical structure, magickal attributes, mystical virtues and metaphysical powers are present in their formation and existence.

2.2 – Purpose.

These magickal mustika pearls can be worn similar to charms, talismans, pendants or amulets or simply carried with the owner. In similar fashion, to a small ornament charm, if derived suitably, the owner will possess the various magickal virtues of the mustika pearl. Originally, charms were usually spoken or sung as a blessing, however, over time, this was regarded as only a temporary measure. It is therefore, that over the years, many people have sought after permanent guidance and long lasting blessings.[iv] Potential amulets include: gems, stones, natural stones, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants and animals.

Amulets have been around for thousands of years, to ward-off the ‘evil eye’, to protect the wearer from jealously from others. No magick or empowerment is required to be infused into them, as they are naturally infused with tremendous energy and force. Some of our collection includes bezoar stones which help maintain health, produce virility, increase fertility, enhance mental faculties and general good luck.


3.1 – Geographical Origin.

These natural mustika pearls/bezoar stones are found in South East Asia, amongst Malaysia and the vast and remote jungles of the Indonesian archipelago, specifically from nature plants and animals. Some pearls are found from a vast variety of sea creatures around these continents too.

3.2 – Physical Origin.

Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones are created by nature, containing natural elements and minerals. A bezoar, in medical terms, is a wildlife by-product, formed in an animal’s abdominal tracts, usually from abnormal dietary or digestive conditions.[v] There are two identified processes which take place to distinguish the final formation of the bezoar stone. Firstly, whilst the animal/organism is alive, the Hydrochloric Acid of Ph 1(acid in the stomach), reacts with the bezoar stone, later once the animal/organism has died the bezoar stone is exposed to butyric acid, which is only developed through the later stages of flesh decomposition.

Extensive research has found Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones can be formed from silica; i.e. glass like substance formed through a natural process. Stomach bezoars are mainly made of silica, and these can also be formed in humans who suffer from extended ingestion of certain antacids. [vi]

There are some pearls, such as the Cloud Pearl and Sea Pearls, whose formation processes are harder to determine and others which are believed to be from etheric creatures, such as Dragons and Fairies, whose formation is only described by pawangs who have seen them materialize in front of them. Some noticed a strange mist, in front of them and then find the mist thicken and form a jelly-like substance which then immediately solidifies into the Dragon pearl.

However, this is only the description of one pearl; however, it is not correct to say that all dragon pearls are obtained this way. Sometimes the pawangs are guided to a place where they can find such pearls, through their clairvoyance, psychometric powers and ritualistic methods. The pearl is already formed and is discovered in front of them, how it ended up there remains unknown.

3.3 – Composition and Material.

For these reasons you may notice mustika pearls/bezoar stones being crystal-like in formation or opaque in their form. Many of these pearls have gem-like qualities, having crystalline formation being able to disperse light through their dense molecule structure when held up to light and most of these can transmit light.

They may also contain various other minerals or substances; due to the presence of calcium carbonate crystals within their structure, they would be classified as a mineraloid as the crystals are bonded by an organic material and there is no definite proportion of the components.[vii]Silicon dioxide is the basis for many bezoars; not only is it inorganic chemical, i.e. pertaining to material such as sand, salt, iron, calcium salts, and other mineral materials, but is also the basis for fossils.

Natural minerals are formed of SiO2, all variety of rocks may be comprised of Silicon Dioxide in almost their entirety. [viii] Many of these are totally natural and have been found in the bodies of various animals and from their dens, such as where snakes live, in fissures, rocks, caves, etc; where mustika pearls are found in abundance.

3.4 – Silicon and Silicon Dioxide (Silica).

On Earth, Silicon is the second most abundant element (after oxygen), making up 25.7% of the crust by mass.[ix] This makes silicon an essential element in biology, with only tiny traces of it to be required by animals. Silicon is more important in the metabolism of plants, particularly grasses. According to a study by the Mineralogical Society of America, silica (Silicon with Oxygen) with as much as 35 crystalline forms were identified in 1928.[x] Since silica is a polymorphous substance, it is no surprise that it can have numerous crystalline structures.

By the term ‘polymorphous’ we mean it has the ability to crystallise into more than one different crystal structure. The different crystal structures i.e. different polymorphs will have a different arrangement of atoms within the unit cell, which can have a significant effect on the final crystallised compound. Silica transforms into these numerous structures through polymorphic transformation. This is the expression given to the change which takes place between crystal structures of the same chemical compound. As a result, these sets of unique crystal structures are called polymorphs. Thus, showing various crystal structures are dependent upon external temperature and external pressure.[xi]

Therefore silica is an important element of most of the rock-forming minerals. Its polymorphic characteristics mean its element and crystalline structure can be found in a variety of forms, and many of which are famous rocks and minerals such as, quartz crystals, quartz sand otherwise known as ‘silica sand’, sandstone, quartzine, Tripoli, diatomite, flint, opal, chalcedonic forms like agate and onyx. The changes in external pressure and temperature also determine the colour of the formation; these can be seen as amethyst, smoky quartz, yellow quartz, rose quartz and milky quartz.[xii]

3.5 – Soluble Silica in Plants and Animals.

Theoretically, it is possible that our magickal pearls also have a form of silica crystalline structures within them, classifying them into the same league as many of the various forms of silica. Despite many forms of silica and its variety of crystalline structures, with polymorphism in mind, it is plausible that other forms of silica are equally capable of existence in other atmospheric pressures.

However, it is not true to say all possible forms of silica are now known. With polymorphism being a phenomenon of nature, there is still an unlimited number of possible variations of silica which are yet unfounded. The silica can be found within the animals through their ingested food and water and within plants in their cell structures.

Similar to most minerals, silica can be found in both as a solid substance and as soluble liquid, known as ‘soluble silica’. Repeatedly, both these forms are attempting to become each other. For example, soluble silica is constantly being precipitated out of water and solid silica is always being eroded down by water. When the plant roots feed into the ground, soluble silica in groundwater and other minerals are taken up to nourish it.

Silica is deposited between cells, between cell walls and at times even within the cell. This mass of silica does not harm the plant in any way; it slightly increases its density and at times aids the plant and its leaves to be more erect to absorb sunlight better.[xiii]

Where the silica is deposited in each plant depends entirely on the species of plant. Since plant cells exist all over the plant, there can be deposits of silica in the roots, leaves, stem, branch, trunk, fruit and even in smaller areas like the hair follicles and skin cells. Abnormalities in plant growth, (in similar process to the formation of Bezoar Stones) cause significant amounts of silica come together over time, creating a larger and more solid substance. It is this substance in part or in its entirety which forms our mustika pearls.

These deposits of silica are also equally able to form in animals; since silica is not indigestible, it can only remain in the animal’s body and the soluble silica is able to transfer between cell walls and cells, hypothetically speaking, this can be the case of how mustikas form within animals.


4.1 – The Spirit Within.

Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones that we sell have an indwelling elemental which helps and assists the owner in positive ways. The indwelling spirit known as the elemental spirit and can be referred to as nature spirits. Types of nature spirits include: sylphs (air elementals), undines (water elementals), salamanders (fire elementals), devas (earth elementals), Dryads (tree elementals), others may associate to them as fairies, gnomes, durdalis, Earth Spirits, Elves and so on.

4.2 – Animal Totems and Spirit Guides.

Each of us have an animal we are associated to, this is otherwise known as our personal animal totem or animal spirit guide, which assists and directs us through teaching us and protecting us throughout our lives. It is possible for an individual to have several of these totems at different stages of their lives, each totem gives courage and strength throughout your life.[xiv] Bezoar stones also possess the natural power of animal totems; these are hidden qualities and forces of nature that we can access if we are attuned to the natural forces around us.

Since bezoar stones are a by-product of animal species, it is far simpler for us to use them to express the particular animal spirits qualities which will then enable and enhance the various attributes into our daily lives. They are psychological and spiritual symbols that convey to us qualities which we need or lack through our everyday activities and circumstances. This does not mean we are to worship animals, but rather use the totems as spiritual guides as spiritual tools along our personal spiritual path.

It is to recognise honour and respect nature, as man is not above nature, but an equal part of it and should be perceptive that we are one with nature. Totems of all animals will allow and demonstrate a spiritual oneness with nature that will help and guide us on our own paths of self discovery and spiritual advancement.

4.3 – Our Animal Totem Empowerment.

Mani Zone offers to read into your personal animal totem through our empowerment, you can then choose a Mustika Pearl which then suits your animal totem. This is an ideal way to boost your power and attunement with the animal spirit. Animal totems manifest a specific kind of energy that will align to forces of the spiritual realm that are influencing your life, the elemental spirit of the Bezoar Stone will have already blended with the animal spirit over the years, which can then be transferred onto the owner to maximise the power for spiritual guidance.