Psychic Healing Practices and Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones
By : Manizone Admin July 25, 2024
Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones have been long prized for their mystical properties. Shamans have used them throughout the ancient and modern world in spell casting and many other ritualistic rites and magical practices. But they are perhaps most closely related to and most famed for their natural healing abilities. References to the Mustika and their abilities to counteract poisons and cure sickness abound through the history of Eastern and even Western Cultures.
Ancient Roman texts refer to a stone called an alectorious. It is said to be the size roughly of a small bean and found within the gizzards of gamecock. Among its other esoteric properties it was said to have the ability to render its wearer invisible. The use of Mustika to actually render someone literally invisible may be fable. However more likely “invisibility in this case refers to the ability of the Mustika to provide it’s user with a kind of “psychic invisibility” or protection from psychic attack or mental or physical disease.
Mustika Pearls production
The folklore of Medieval Europe also refers to a Raven Stone, formed within the gut of that bird, that is claimed to possess similar properties to the Alectorious. References to Mustika or stones with curative properties from the bodies of birds abound in historical literature. They swallow it is said produces two such stones, one of which is a red one that can cure insanity and mental illness. Even the Bard himself, William Shakespeare, speaks of a stone that sounds very much like Mustika, who in “As You Like It” wrote, “Sweet are the uses of adversity which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head.”
What exactly is Psychic Healing? Like any aspect of the metaphysical, there are many disciplines or doctrines of “Psychic Healing”. These would include Reiki, Chakra Balancing, even the more generally accepted Massage Therapy and Reflexology which have some level of psychic or energy transference for healing. The bottom line is that, ultimately, there really is only one power to heal. And that is you, yourself.
The body that the divine powers of the universe have given to house your soul has the remarkable ability to heal itself. All manner of healing, including so-called modern medicine is only a way to enhance or help your body heal itself. If you break your arm and see a doctor who sets in a cast, the cast helps your bone to mend, but ultimately it is your body that heals the break. Similarly Mustika stones and other forms of Psychic healing really are only ways to stimulate or empower you bodies own natural healing processes.
But can stones and pearls actually cure disease? Is this really such a far-fetched notion? Would you say that it is ridiculous that tree bark can cure disease? Quinine derived from seemingly worthless tree bark can cure malaria and there are countless other examples in modern pharmacology. And yet indigenous people knew about the healing properties of many plants long before western doctors. What was once called “voodoo” is now called “science”, so who is to say that the same will not one day prove to be true of Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones.