The Power of Healing Crystals and Gems
By : Manizone Admin July 29, 2024
Crystals, gems, and stones not only make fabulous jewelry, but have been sought after and revered for centuries for their healing and some would even say magical properties. The healing powers of gems and crystals have been well documented.
Use of Crystals
Gemstones and crystals are formed by the geologic forces of the earth. Most people know that mollusks such as Oysters produce pearls. But there are other creatures that form pearls and stones within their bodies, known as Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones, they have long been sought to be formed into amulets and talismans of great magical and healing powers. Just about every culture on the planet, and all shamanistic rituals, metaphysical, and psychic healing practices, involve the use of crystals and these types of pearls and stones to some extent. Perhaps more so than their alluring beauty, this is why, pearls and gemstones share such preciousness in our collective mind.
Quartz Crystals in particular have long been associated with magical and healing properties. All crystals vibrate at different frequencies due to their crystalline structure. Much like the vibration of a tuning fork can tune into a specific note and harmonize with it; crystals “tune in” to the vibrations of metaphysical and spiritual energies of the universe, and harmonize with them. The harmonics within Quartz give quartz the ability to return balance to unbalanced energy fields.
Just as the tuning fork in our previous analogy can cause the string on a violin to vibrate at the exact same frequency when held next to it, so too can a quartz crystal or a Bezoar healing stone, which shares similar qualities; cause a person’s internal spiritual energy to vibrate at the same metaphysical frequency of the crystal. That is why quartz and Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones are particularly effective in helping with emotional disorders. Quartz have also been shown to bring love, peace, and stress relief to those who wear Quartz crystal pendants or other crystal jewelry.
While the healing properties of quartz crystals are well known, they are not the only gems to exhibit crystal healing properties. Crystals of all types have been used to enhance meditation, spiritual ceremonies, and astral projection, as are their mystical brethren the Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones. Chakra Crystals and Reiki Crystals are laid on the body during types of massage or bodywork. Healing crystals and healing pearls and stones when placed in bath water or even drinking water have been shown to have therapeutic effects.
Following are some of the most common healing crystals and stones and their documented healing properties. It is by no means a complete list.
Amethyst: Can help with headaches and reduce anger and impatience. They also can help to alleviate nightmares, night terrors, and insomnia
Aquamarine: Heart Conditions, auto-immune diseases, thyroid problems and lymph nodes.
Citrine: Can aid in acid indigestion, other food disorders, and allergies. Detoxification of spleen, liver and kidneys.
Coral: Strengthens muscles, improves blood flow. Aids in healing and tissue regeneration.
Diamond: Increases clarity of thought. Improve generosity and ability to give and receive trust.
Emerald: Improve the respiratory system, and heart. Can help in Diabetes by improving balance of blood sugar. Eases the pain of childbirth.
Jade: Strengthens the Immune system
Lapis: Decreases symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. Quiets an overactive mind, helps with insomnia and nervous disorders
Malachite: Improves stomach ailments and gastrointestinal disorders. Can reduce depression
Rose Quartz: Brings emotional balance. Improve love life. Raises Self Esteem, improves symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.
Ruby: Treats Infections, lowers cholesterol, and reduces blood clots. Improves pituitary function and helps regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Sapphire: Reduces inflammation, can lower fevers, and improve hearing.