Using Stones, Crystals and Meditation in Chakras Work

By : Manizone Admin  July 29, 2024



For many years the idea of chakra work, or opening the 7 chakras for a more balanced life, has been growing exponentially in the New Age community. There are various ways in which this healing or opening can be achieved. Chakra meditation is a very popular method of opening blocked chakras. This involves meditating on the chakra in question and visualizing its openness and expansion.

If balancing is desired many people find that employing chakra meditation by envisioning all the chakras in the body as being aligned and balanced helps achieve this result. Some also use chakra meditation to simply work on focusing one chakra a day, in turn, until balance is achieved. Chakra meditation is easy to do and only requires a quiet room, free of distractions for twenty minutes or so per session. Some who use chakra meditation like to make use of tools such as stones, pearls or crystals to aid the process. Chakra stones or stones thought to benefit the chakras are selected for their energies and powers specific to opening the chakras.

Similarly, chakra crystals are chosen for the qualities they possess that are thought to enhance, heal, or balance the chakra points. Practitioners of Reiki healing most often use chakra stones and chakra crystals to re-direct and balance chakra energy. There are specific chakra crystals that correspond with each chakra in the body, they are used by chakra healers to align and balance the chakra energies.

There are many combinations of crystals that are considered “chakra crystals.” One configuration, in the eight chakra system is as follows: Rock crystal is used for the top of the head (Sahasrara chakra) Amethyst is used for the center of the forehead (Bindu chakra), Sodalite for the eyebrow area (Ajna), Blue Agate for the neck or throat (Vishuddha chakra), Green Aventurine for the heart area (Anahata chakra), Citrine for the navel (Manipura chakra), Carnelian for the tailbone (Swadhisthana chakra) and Red Jasper for the genital area (Muladhara chakra).

Other practitioners choose the chakra stone or crystal by its color, for instance, in a seven chakra system the tailbone would require a black, brown or red stone, the genital area a red or orange stone, the navel would take a yellow stone, the heart a pink or green stone, the throat a blue colored stone, the eyebrow a purple stone and, lastly, the crown or top of head a clear, colorless or “white” stone such as quartz crystal. This second method allows for more flexibility when choosing which stones to aid in clearing the chakras and opening the flow of energy.

Healing the Chakras

Mustika pearls or crystals can and are used in the same way that chakra crystals and chakra stones are in healing the chakras. Their various hues and elements may be matched up with the elements represented by each chakra. For instance, the tailbone or root chakra’s element is the Earth so an excellent Mustika pearl for this chakra would be an Earth Dragon pearl or one of the many plant pearls, since they come from the Earth.

The second chakra is associated with water, thus Water Mustika pearls or those from sea creatures such as fish would be perfect choices for cleansing and healing this area. The navel chakra is represented by fire, thus a Fire Dragon pearl would work very well. The heart chakra is adjoined with air, Air Dragon pearls are not only beautiful, but they represent this chakra precisely. Mustika pearls are an exciting new addition to the chakra healing toolbox for professionals and lay people alike and are well worth looking into for this purpose and others.