Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities Using Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones
By : Manizone Admin July 18, 2024
Mustika Pearls and Bezoar stones are beautiful and intriguing. They can be worn for decretive purposes, as good luck charms or talismans. The Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones can be used for healing, to improve physical and emotional l health, and to unlock your psychic abilities.
All people possess some dormant psychic ability, just as all people possess some athletic ability. Some are destined to be all-stars, and others to just play catch with their kids in the yard. But everyone can play ball, moreover everyone can learn to play, and can improve their game through practice. And ones abilities in any sport are improved not only through training and discipline, but though use of the proper tools and training devices. It is the same with psychic abilities, and Mustika Pearls and Bezoar stones are powerful tools to help you attain your true psychic potentials.
Mustika Pearls
It is believed that the power of the Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones stems from the association they have with spiritual beings, (elementals, fairies, etc). Some believe that these entities actually dwell within the Mustika. Others believe that like certain crystals and gemstones Mustika are focal points for psychic and metaphysical energies. Whatever the origin of their powers what is known for certain is that every Mustika Pearl or Bezoar Stone radiates positive energies. These energies have beneficial effects upon the one who possesses the stone.
I decry the use of the word “owner” because the person who keeps a stone does not “own” it in a real sense as in power over it. Instead the stone works as kind of a psychic symbiot, working along with its keeper to enhance his or her psychic awareness and psychic abilities. They Mustika help to imbue their user with a strong, positive aura which works as kind of psychic force-field protecting them from negative energies and psychic attacks. Possession of Mustika raises a person’s psychic consciousness to new levels, which can and does improve all aspects of the user’s life.
Once again it is important that the reader understand that the Mustika are a tool that can unlock or enhance latent psychic abilities, and raise consciousness to a new or different level much as Yoga or Meditation can. Though such things may be possible, the author does not in any way mean to suggest that possession of a Mustika will suddenly bestow upon its wearer superhuman abilities, or turn them into some kind of All Powerful Mage.
However biological or biochemical energies so-called “Auras” are documentable scientific facts that have been measured and photographed. Psychic objects such as the Mustika have been shown to effect these Auras in a positive way. Mustika do raise the level of output of one’s Aura. Most training in psychic abilities and psychic awareness relate to the ability to visualize and manipulate one’s own Aura. Therefore while the Mustika certainly do not grant supernatural or psychic powers they can be effective in the stimulating ones psychic growth to its maximum potential.