Shaman Fossil – BK 31


Shaman Fossil are rare and unusual fossils are believed to be fossilised humans Shamans who practiced a certain Magical Art (Sadana) mainly associated to the Javanese People.

1 in stock

SKU: IND 7-7 Category: Tag:


(Batara Karang)

Prices of Shaman Fossil have been heavily discounted–What we are offering here is Reseller prices directly to the public.

These rare and unusual fossils are believed to be fossilised humans Shamans who practiced a certain Magical Art
(Sadana) mainly associated to the Javanese People.  It is believed that these fossils hold all the Magical Powers and abilities of the shaman. These are powerful items and will greatly accelerate the development of anyone who wishes to walk down the spiritual path, focusing on Self-development and Magical Powers.

Details Psychic Reading will be provided after Purchase.

By owning and working with the Shaman Fossil the user will find a number of magickal powers developing within them such as –

Sexual Prowess, High Clairvoyance & Psychic Sensitivity, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreams, Prophetic Dreams, High Forms of Mind Influence Powers, Thought Transference, Power of Authority, Invulnerability to Enemy Attacks This is Physical and Metaphysical, Such as Punches, Machete Strikes Etc.

Powerful Protection against Black Magick

Cosmic/Spiritual Powers Attained the Shaman

Power to Enchant and Attract the Opposite Sex

Power of Youth and Beauty (Slows down the practitioners
ageing process)

Power to Conjure Spirits, Entities and Human Souls

Improves the Practitioner Meditation and Development

Guidance, Access to higher Cosmic/Spiritual

Improves and Empowers the Users Aura.

Empowers your Visualisation, Words and Intentions.

Helps to attain some degree of enlightenment.

Access to Akastic Library

Political Advancement

Attract Luck, Money and Prosperity

Powerful Healing Energies

High Charismatic Presence

And many more

The powers all depends on the shaman itself and its development in the Spiritual Arts