Mountain Belt Pearl – Type B1.2 (Sphere Shape)
Mountain Belt Pearl are able to attract the most sought after virtues; these include attracting Wealth and Prosperity, attracting Love and Luck, Protection from negative energies and spirits.
(Sphere Shape)
The Mountain Pearl possesses the following virtues:
Attracts luck and prosperity, helps to attain an wealthy life, wards of negative forces/energies/spirits, healing, personal magnetism, charisma, Stable foundation through love and business matters, authority presence, healing, connects one to earth energies.
Mountain Belt Pearl
These pearls were found in a mountain belt which encompassed 7 mountains. The pearls were given to a shaman by a Group Mountain Spirit Lord. It is said this Spirit Lord watched over all the 7 mountains and the less evolved elemental beings that were in control over the natural forces within the proximity of this mountain belt.
The elemental spirits of these particular pearls have evolved greatly and are very old. They are able to attract the most sought after virtues; these include attracting Wealth and Prosperity, attracting Love and Luck, Protection from negative energies and spirits.
These pearls would be an excellent choice to be kept within a Home, Meditation or Sacred Space, Office or Business Premises. They can be set in ones altar or even at Holistic Centres and Reiki Healing Centres. They can be placed in and around the home or business to correspond to Feng Shui Bagua specific-life areas
again balancing your surroundings to work and bring about more of what you want in life.