Bat Fossil – Type A2


Bat Fossil contain magickal energies as Mustika Pearls.

1 in stock


These items are not Mustika Pearls nor are they Bezoar Stones, they are fossilised items. These are mostly sought after by scientists and collectors for their monetary value, but in addition these items contain magickal energies as Mustika Pearls do.

Originating from Indonesia

Bat Fossil is characteristic of its host animal; they possess all the awesome characteristics that may be seen in the Bat itself.

For centuries, shamans, priestesses, spiritualists, and practitioners of the occult have used the Fossil to transfer the powerful magical energy of the Bat to themselves and to others in need of this commanding animal magic.

The Fossil is sought after by anyone wishing to absorb Bat virtues into their lives and develop more potent mental abilities, such as those embodied by this versatile creature.