Dreams, Visions with Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones
By : Manizone Admin July 23, 2024
Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones are best known in metaphysical circles for their healing abilities. But the powers of the Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones are also closely linked to enabling the user to enter into meditative trances or other Altered States of psychic consciousness. Therefore Mustika are also highly prized for their abilities to stimulate visions, influences dreams, and aid in astral projection and Vision Quests.
The Mustika pearls themselves are closely interwoven with dreams and psychic occurrences or psychic abilities. Indeed the mystical being that dwells within the Mustika and channels its psychic energies, often will first make its presence known to its “owner” though a dream or vision. It is through these psychic dreams that the Mustika will revels to its possessor the true nature of its magical abilities, and how it can be used for luck, good fortune, or to develop ones psychic abilities. For many the Mustikas become the “Third Eye” – the object which allows the user to see into psychic and spiritual realms.
Formation of Mustika Pearls
Stones resembling Mustika have been found within the bodies of Saints and Holy Persons of many cultures, further evidence of the link between the Mustika and higher states of psychic consciousness. Mustika Pearls and Bezoar Stones while most often formed within the bodies of animals and plants have also been found at the scenes of unusual psychic phenomena. Buddhists believe in a mystical gemstone stone called the Cintamani, which can make dreams come true, many believe that Bezoar Stones are the physical manifestation of this Dream Jewel.
Whether you are a believer in the metaphysical or a pure pragmatist, many people seek meaning in their dreams. Even science has postulated that dreams are a way of the mind to “download” and process information and offer solution to problems that may be weighing on the mind. Whether such nighttime revelations are actually “prophetic dreams”, or simply a way for our own subconscious mind to help us through a need or problem, is open for debate. However, placing a Mustika beneath your pillow can have several positive effects as you entire the Realm of Sleep.
On the simplest and most practical level the Mustika can help put one in a relaxed and meditative state and help you to enjoy a most restful sleep. On the more esoteric, the Mustika can help protect one from psychic assaults that come in our dream states when we are vulnerable, most often perceived as “nightmares”. In this way the Mustika work as the ‘’Dreamcatcher” of Native American Lore, whose intricate weaves are designed to only let in good dreams and “catch” or filter out the bad. Furthermore if you fall asleep concentrating on a particular problem, want or desire, the Mustika can help bring that to fruition.