Shamanic Animal Totem Articles

The Goat Totem

The Goat Totem Goats Totem represent practicality and stability. If you watch a goat in action you will see an animal that steadily bears all hardship with steady dignity and self-respect. The goat will climb the steepest of mountains with grace and agility and succeed to their destination no matter what obstacles lay before them.…

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The Ayam Cemani Totem

(Black Chicken Totem) The Ayam Cemani is the direct descendent of the Gallus, Gallus, the Wild Red Jungle Fowl of India and was crossed with the Bankivoid game hen. Their plumage is nearly all black. They are magnificent looking birds with extravagant plumage and a dignified stance. They symbolize formidable bearing. Ayam Cemanis also keep…

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