Understanding the Basics of the 7 Chakra System
By : Manizone Admin July 27, 2024
The Chakra system is the seven points within the human body that are considered central areas or energy points that balance the rest of the body, the mind and the spirit. Spiritually speaking, they are also considered to be the various states or elevations of consciousness. The theory of Chakra points was originated in India by a yogi around 600 BC and were bought to the Western world in the 1920’s. The English word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit for Wheel or Circle, which has major significance in Buddhist and Hindu religions as a symbol of universal unity and completeness.
While Western culture was introduced to the idea of Chakra early in the 20th century, the philosophy did not take strong hold until much later. In the last twenty years or so, the New Age movement has gained new insight and understanding into this ancient philosophy and the key role the chakra system play in balancing the body and mind and spirit. The ideal mental, physical and spiritual state has all seven chakras open and in perfect balance, thus if any are “blocked” or unbalanced, the rest of the body, mind and spirit may suffer as a result.
The 7 chakras are aligned from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each is important and has its purpose and function to help maintain spiritual, mental and physical health.
If we start at the top of the head and work down to the base of the spine the first chakra is known as the crown and is located at the top of the head; the second chakra is the third eye and is located between the eyebrows; third chakra is the throat and is located at the hollow at the base of the neck or throat; the forth chakra is the heart and is, obviously, located at the left center of the chest.
The fifth chakra is the solar plexus and is located just beneath the rib cage; the sixth chakra is the sacrum and is located at the navel area; the seventh and last chakra is the root, it is located at the base of the spine or in the area between the anus and the genitals.
Below is an outline of each chakra system, (staring from the top) the color that represents it, the element that represents it and its primary functions.
1. Crown; white or violet, elements of space or thought, functions include consciousness, enlightenment, bliss, union and empathy.
2. Third Eye; indigo, elements of time and light, functions include perception, intuition, imagination, clairvoyance, mastery of self, awareness, enlightenment.
3. Throat; azure blue, elements of life and sound, functions include verbal communication, maturity, spiritual growth, self-expression, listening to others, right speech.
4. Heart; green, element of air, functions include love, compassion, wisdom, relationships, emotion, generosity, health and well-being.
5. Solar Plexus; yellow, element of fire, functions include laughter, joy, acceptance, assertion, digestion and will power.
6. Sacrum; orange, element of water, functions include feminine sexuality and energy, desire, pleasure, stability, giving forth, expansion of the womb, stabilization.
7. Root; red; element of Earth, functions include male sexual energy, stabilization, giving forth, desire, pleasure.
Chakra System
Knowing and understanding the chakra colors, elements and functions of each chakra in the chakra system will help you to expand and balance them in your everyday life. Some methods of keeping the 7 chakras open and aligned include meditation, yoga, visualization, the use of Reiki, crystals, gems, mustika pearls, color therapy, flower essence therapy, acupuncture, and massage.
Also, meditating with or without various tools such as mustika pearls, crystals, incense and flower essences have helped some people expand or gain openness within their chakras. While the chakra system and the 7 chakras of the human body are not currently recognized by medical science, acupuncture has been. Acupuncture has its basis in the opening of the chakras and thereby the energy points of the body to heal it, by using extremely find needles at pressure points through the body. You can learn more about the chakra system the 7 chakras and chakra colors by reading books and literature devoted to this ancient belief.