Agent Information

Become A Healing Crystal Stones Agent

If you are looking for a fantastic new addition to the magical and occult items you are currently offering your customers or are you interested in a great business venture that is easy to start, maintain and run, then mustika pearls may be of great interest to you. ManiZone’s agent list is increasing rapidly as lay customers, new age professionals and those interested in the occult have become more interested in our products offerings.
Becoming a ManiZone agent is a very simple process, you may either have a site devoted to mustika licensed from us or you can add a banner to your current site that links to ours, allowing your customers an opportunity to purchase the pearls directly from our full-service, highly secure Web site. Drop-shipping is also available. If you are interested in setting up a site devoted to selling the pearls we can help you with every aspect of this endeavor so that it is a seamless integration to our offerings. We hold full rights to the site and you would provide you with a license to use it from your own mustika pearl site. There is an RSS feed installed on our Web site from which you can easily retrieve live data on currently available products in real time if you wish to check our inventory for your customers. If you are interested in learning more about how you can become a ManiZone agent, email Zahir Karbani for detailed information on how you can get started right away being an agent seller of magical mustika pearls!
For information on how to purchase large stocks and bulk quantities for re-sale, please click here .

Some information about mustika pearls:

Mustika pearls are very ancient magical tools that have been used in occult, healing and magical practices for centuries; however, they have only recently experienced a resurgence of interest amongst new agers and the holistic community. The pearls contain some of the same properties as those found in crystals, rocks and gems, only they can be, in many cases, even more powerful then these other items. This new and increased interest in the pearls have prompted research by healers and other professionals who have discovered the vital role mustika pearls have played for shaman throughout history, all over the world. This research has, in turn, caused these professionals to take a long second look at mustika as a viable alternative or accompaniment to crystals, wands and other tools they currently use to heal, protect, cast spells, open chakras and aid spiritual centeredness.
Mustika pearls have numerous applications, including their use in reiki healing, chakra healing and balancing, spiritual jewelry making, guided visualization, focused meditation, Feng Shui, spell amplification, prophetic and/or enlightening dream production, and for use as talismans or good luck charms. They come in a multitude of colors, from a large variety of animals, plants and elements and each contains it’s own unique spirit or vital energy that can be harnessed for use in any new age application. Many mustika pearls have the added benefit of representing the four directions, North, South, East and West as well as the elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Because of these special additional features they make perfect chakra companions and feng shui elements to add balance and energy to the individual person using them or living space in which they live or work.
Because of this increased interest in the pearls amongst the general public and professionals, there has opened great re-seller opportunities for mustika pearls. The extremely high direct sale volume has put ManiZone in the position to offer the pearls at a discounted bulk rate to those who wish to offer these precious pearls to their clients in their retail shops, healing centers, internet shops, and new age/holistic wholesale suppliers of various crystals, gems and rocks. Re-selling the pearls is quite as easy as re-selling crystals, rocks, gems, wands, tarot cards or any other new age/occult item. We provide our re-sellers with all that they need to inform the end customer with the information necessary to make a great choice in mustika pearl for their personal or professional use.